Indeed Allah does not forgive association with Him but He forgives what is less than that for whom He wills. View more context or the entire surah.
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It is He who sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to manifest it over all religion.

. So judge between them by. Oleh itu hendaklah kamu bertaqwa kepada ALLAH. Fulfil His favor to thee.
We have granted you a conspicuous victory. Dan janganlah mana-mana jurutulis dan saksi itu disusahkan. This is a portion of the entire surah.
And he who associates others with Allah has certainly fabricated a. The Noble Quran has many names including Al-Quran Al-Kareem Al-Ketab Al-Furqan Al-Mawitha Al-Thikr and Al-Noor. They said They are but two works of magic.
And sufficient is Allah as Witness. View more context or the entire surah. This is a portion of the entire surah.
View more context or the entire surah. The first is the tafseer of Abul Ala Maududi the second is of Ibn Kathir. This is a portion of the entire surah.
And learn The Noble Quran. View more context or the entire surah. View more context or the entire surah.
Read various Tafsirs of Ayah 48 of Surah Al-Anfal by trusted Tafsir scholars. 3 of Surah Al-Baqarah. This is a portion of the entire surah.
Surat Al-Māidah The Table Spread - سورة المائدة. And when He causes it to fall upon whom. Surat Ar-Rūm The Romans - سورة الروم.
But when the truth came to them from Us they said Why was he not given like that which was given to Moses Did they not disbelieve in that which was given to Moses before. Verily We have granted thee a manifest Victory. Then be patient for the decision of your Lord O Muhammad and be not like the companion of the fish when he.
Muka Surat 48 Surah Al baqarah Bermula dari ayat 282 Jika anda nak belajar Al Quran secara MUDAH paling PENTING anda dapat belajar Al Quran secara. Yusuf Ali Translation Note Number. And guide thee on the Straight Way.
6948 Surely it is a Good Counsel for the God-fearing. It is Allah who sends the winds and they stir the clouds and spread them in the sky however He wills and He makes them fragments so you see the rain emerge from within them. That Allah may forgive thee thy faults of the past and those to follow.
Dan janganlah mana-mana jurutulis dan saksi itu disusahkan. Dan adakanlah saksi apabila kamu berjual-beli. Quran Chapter 48 in English.
That God may forgive you your sin past and to come and complete His favors upon. Dinamakan Al Anaam karena di dalamnya disebut kata Anaam dalam hubungan dengan adat-istiadat kaum musyrikin yang menurut. 48-19 Wajah adalah anggota badan yang paling mulia dan jika dilukai tentu.
Tafsir Ringkas Kementrian Agama RI Surat Al-Baqarah Ayat 48. Dan takutlah kamu serta jagalah dirimu dari kesulitan pada hari kiamat ketika tidak seorang pun dapat membela orang lain sedikit pun. View more context or the entire surah.
Sungguh Kami menciptakan segala sesuatu menurut ukuranâ Terj. View more context or the entire surah. Surat Al Anaam binatang ternak.
For explanation see EN. Ala-Maududi Ibn-Kathir Ala-Maududi 248 Fear the Day when no one shall avail another when no intercession will be accepted when no one will be ransomed and no criminal will receive any help. Surat Al-Fatĥ The Victory - سورة الفتح.
The tafsir of Surah Al-Haqqah verse 48 by Ibn Kathir is unavailable here. Baca ayat Al-Quran Tafsir dan Konten Islami Bahasa Indonesia Ingatlah pada hari mereka diseret ke neraka atas muka mereka. Surat An-Nisā The Women - سورة النساء.
Rasakanlah sentuhan api neraka. Unta sapi biri-biri dan kambing yang terdiri atas 165 ayat termasuk golongan surat Makkiyah karena hampur seluruh ayat-ayat-Nya diturunkan di Mekah dekat sebelum hijrah. In the name of God the Gracious the Merciful.
48 On the day of Badr Shaytan as well as his flag holder and soldiers accompanied the idolators. Please refer to Surah Haqqah ayat 44. Dan kalau kamu melakukan apa yang dilarang itu maka sesungguhnya yang demikian adalah perbuatan fasik derhaka yang ada pada kamu.
And We have revealed to you O Muhammad the Book in truth confirming that which preceded it of the Scripture and as a criterion over it. Jangan kamu menduga bahwa orang tua betapa pun terhormat dan taatnya dia kepada Allah berkesempatan untuk membela atau memberi syafaat sedangkan. Surat Al-Qalam The Pen - سورة القلم.
Yusuf Ali Translation Note Number. In the morning Al-Akhnas bin Shurayq took his stick and went to the house of Abu Sufyan bin Harb where he said Tell me O Abu Hanzalah ie Abu Sufyan what do you think of what you have heard from Muhammad Abu Sufyan said O Abu Thalabah ie Al-Akhnas by Allah I have heard something I understand and I know what is meant by it and. This is a portion of the entire surah.
That is the Quran is an admonition for those who wish to avoid wrongdoing and its evil consequences. This is a portion of the entire surah. Dan ingatlah ALLAH dengan keterangan ini.
Dan kalau kamu melakukan apa yang dilarang itu maka sesungguhnya yang demikian adalah perbuatan fasik derhaka yang ada. Indeed We have given you O Muhammad a clear conquest. Read Listen Search Download.
That Allah may forgive for you what preceded of your sin and what will follow and complete His favor upon you and guide you to a straight path.
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